The NHS is required to undertake a Continuing Healthcare Assessment which will determine whether (you or) your relative is eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding.
This Assessment is done in two stages.
The first stage is called a Checklist Assessment, if this Assessment is successful; the second stage is a Full Assessment using what is called the Decision Support Tool (DST). There is also a Fast Track Pathway Assessment, for cases relating to acute conditions, often in so called “end of life” scenarios.
The Checklist Assessment should be performed within 14 days of it being requested. (although timescales are rarely met). Your relative can ask for a Checklist Assessment at any time during their care. However, if they are about to be admitted into care, usually after a period in Hospital as a result of illness or a fall for example, the NHS should undertake the Checklist Assessment before they are given the Section 2 Discharge Notice, which is sent to the Local Authority/Social Services to pass their care responsibilities over to them.
However, it’s often the case that after a period of treatment in hospital, it may be that the NHS will provide your relative with an interim package of further support, which may include rehabilitation for example. The NHS Framework recommends that where this is the case, any Assessment of your relative’s NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding eligibility should be deferred until the package of support measures has taken effect, to determine whether this improves their long term prognosis.